After School Tutoring will begin September 12th in the Library.
Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:30PM - 4:30 PM
Fridays 2:30 PM - 4:00PM
All non CHS tutoring options are recommendations and are not directly associated with Claremont High School
Chegg Tutors
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Get help from a top tutor
Instant, 1-on-1 online tutoring when you need it.
Harvey Mudd College
(877) 8ASKHMC or (877) 827-5462
Monday-Thursday from 6-9pm
This on-line tutoring program (Program) was developed by Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (RHIT). Harvey Mudd College is licensed by RHIT to use the Program, but all rights, titles, and interests in and to the Program, including intellectual property rights, are owned by RHIT. Marilyn and James Simons, and Harvey Mudd College sponsor the Homework Hotline at Harvey Mudd College. This is not a district-sponsored activity and this material was not prepared at district expense.
Scripps College Academy
The Scripps College Academy's Tutoring Program provides academic resources and support to Scripps College Academy scholars and community members alike. this cost-free program is open to female students at local middle and high schools as well as relatives of all Scripps College employees. Tutors are current Scripps College students who are carefully selected and trained to work with middle and high school students in a variety of subject areas. Check out the website for more information on times and days of sessions.