New To CHS Course Selection


The Claremont High School Guidance Department would like to welcome you to the Wolf Pack family. We are excited to have you join us next year and look forward to meeting with you to help plan out our time at Claremont High School. For students planning to enroll at Claremont High School for the first time, pleas ensure that you have taken the following steps.

Step 1: Visit the District Registrar

The first step in regisering to attend Claremont High School in the fall of 2025 is to visit our district Registrar and complete all of the required paperwork for enrollment. If you have not completed all enrollment paperwork, please contact Paula Miller at

Step 2: Course Selection Webinar

Step 2 is to watch the New Student Course Selection Webinar. This webinar gives the information you will need ot successfully complete the Course Selection forms. Make sure to watch the entire video prior to completing the Course Selection Forms.

Step 3: Course Selection Forms

After viewing the New Student Course Selection Webinar, you will need to complete for appropriate form for your grade level. Students currently in 8th grade will complete the 9th grade form. 9th grade completes the 10th grade form and so on. The following Resources may help with your course selection.

Graduation/UC/NCAA Requirements (PDF)

NCAA Worksheet (PDF)

Course Description Booklet.pdf (PDF)

CHS Electives Catalog

Step 4: Schedule a meeting with the counselor

After you have completed all previous steps, you will schedule a meeting with the counselor. If you have not completed all previous steps prior to the meeting, your meeting may be canceled. Counselors are assigned by last name and students should schedule a meeting only with their school counselor. Spots are limited, so counselor meetings will be limited to only 1 meeting per student and maxed out at 15 minutes. This is time for your counselor to review grades and appropiate placement, answer any questions regarding courses, and make any changes.

Alpha Range

Counselor Name

Meeting Link

A – Choi

Jeremy Troesh

Schedule a Meeting

Choj -Gom

Kristie Vogel

Schedule a Meeting

Gon – Lin

Juli Ceccarelli

Schedule a Meeting

Lio – Park

Laurie Ciszek

Schedule a Meeting

Parl – Smi

Chilavo Anderson

Schedule a Meeting

Smj – Z

Paula Hebert

Schedule a Meeting